Meet the Current Youth Collective Board Members
Hannah, Chair
24, Greater Manchester
I joined the YAB as I support all the wonderful work that Savera UK and Savera UK Youth do.
Working together as a YAB group member has been an impactful experience for me personally. I have loved every minute of being a part of the group. Although the topics we raise awareness for are heartbreaking, knowing I am a part of this wonderful group making such a difference is amazing!
This year I am looking forward to raising awareness for the topics in different art forms.
Malcolm, Savera UK Young Ambassador
25, Liverpool
One of my main motivations for joining the Youth Advisory Board is to have the opportunity to speak out about these harmful practices and what we can do as young people to prevent them for a better future alongside organisations such as Savera UK. I want to speak out for those whose voices cannot be heard.
I would like to continue to make a change using creative ways such as photography and poetry, and I also want to pass on the knowledge I have to other young people as the future is ours.
21, Liverpool
I am currently a university student studying law.
I Joined the YAB because it was a perfect opportunity to meet other young people whilst undertaking projects that would help make a positive change within the community. One of the highlights of being part of the group was being able to to do photography as part an exhibition we were working on. I look forward to further help the younger generation to understand the existence of harmful practices in fun and creative ways.
20, Liverpool
Hiya, I’m Beth! This is my first year at YAB so I’m excited to begin working with the group and start serving in our local community. I became interested in joining after recently starting a voluntary position at Savera UK where I’ve been really energised by the inspiring people and powerful work the organisation is defined by. I am most excited by the opportunity to begin campaigning for policy change and the durable impact this will have for people who have experienced ‘honour’-based abuse and harmful practices.
21, York/Oxford
I joined YAB after doing a student placement at Savera UK and realised that after placement, I still wanted to help Savera UK and be part of the wonderful change they are making. I am really looking forward to working with other passionate young people to further raise awareness of HBA through creative means.
20, London
Hi! I’m Gayatri, and I’m currently a 2nd year Economics student at university in London. I joined the YAB around 2 years ago when I was on my gap year and was looking for volunteering opportunities that aligned with the topics I am most passionate about. Discovering more about the kind of work Savera UK does, I felt like the YAB was the perfect place for me to join. A highlight of being part of the team has been the countless opportunities to learn from inspiring speakers at events hosted by Savera UK. As for the rest of the year, I’m looking forward to all the new projects that will come our way, and meeting all the new members of the group!
16, Gloucestershire
Hello! I’m Adele, a Year 11 student from Hong Kong, now living in Gloucestershire. I joined the YAB to back a grassroots mission: supporting those impacted by harmful practices, with an approach from a standpoint of shared humanity. The little we know about HBA is in part sustained by a sense of collective detachment – when such a phenomenon isn’t spoken about and publicly condemned, it goes under the radar. Knowledge is power and as is silence. I intend to lend my voice in educating the wider public about HBA as a malpractice, but most of all to centre lived experience in my efforts, as its innate complexity is something I can neither replicate nor translate.
22, Liverpool
Hi, I am Laura. Earlier this year, I became YAB member for Savera UK as I wanted to be part of something that has a positive impact on people’s lives. Before joining the YAB, I had little understanding of HBA but since being part of the team I have learned a lot! There are many people that have no understanding of HBA but being part of the YAB allows us to share survivors’ experiences, advocate for change and help prevent future HBA crimes.
23, Liverpool
Hi! My name is Ayo, I am a social worker student and a member of the YAB. I joined the YAB because I have taken part in previous projects and was eager to continue taking part in future projects. Also, I want to support Savera UK’s goal to eradicate harmful practices. I have the strong belief that if you want to see change in the world you need to be part of the change. Being a part of Savera UK Youth and a member of the YAB means I get to take part in so many fun events and activities like photography, performances, poetry, script writing and many more. Those projects have helped me learn valuable and new skills, which I will be able to utilise in the future.